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Join the Alumni Admission Counil (AAC)

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If you'd like to opt in to participate in special programs and to conduct individual conversations with students who specify an interest in the following Affinity/Special Interest Groups (ASIGs), you can join one of these groups once we confirm your login credentials. You can learn about the ASIGs below:
Asian Pacific Islander Desi American (APIDA), Black, Latinx, and Native Affinity Groups: Volunteers in these groups will meet with students who prefer to speak to alumni from a specific racial/ethnic background. Members may also participate in panels to share their perspectives as APIDA, Black, Latinx, or Native students.

First-Generation/Low Income Affinity Group: Volunteers in this group will meet with students who wish to speak with alumni who identified as first-generation and/or low-income (FGLI) college students. Members may also participate in panels to share their FGLI perspective.

LGBTQ+ Affinity Group: Volunteers in this group will meet with students who wish to speak with alumni who do not identify as heterosexual and/or cisgender. Members may also participate in panels to share their LGBTQ+ perspective.

Rural Affinity Group: Volunteers in this group will meet with students who wish to speak with alumni who grew up in a rural/small town setting. Members may also participate in panels to share their perspective as rural students engaging in the college search process.

International Affinity Group: Volunteers in this group will meet with students who wish to speak with alumni who attended high school outside of the US when they applied to college. Members may also participate in panels to share their perspective as international students coming to Northwestern, and members do not have to currently live outside of the US to join.

Pre-Business, Pre-Health, Pre-Law, Education and Non-Profit, Engineering, and Media/Entertainment Special Interest GroupsVolunteers in these groups will connect with students interested in meeting someone who works in their desired sector. Members may also participate in panels to share how Northwestern prepares them for work in the field.
Please list your degree(s) earned from Northwestern University beginning with your first degree earned (typically Bachelor's).
Please provide current employment information (optional).
Alumni Volunteer Code of Conduct
Prior to serving as an alumni volunteer, Northwestern requires every volunteer to read, comply with, and sign the Alumni Volunteer Code of Conduct. You can review and sign the Code of Conduct here. If you would like to view an optional training about the Code of Conduct, please click here. If you have any questions about the Code of Conduct, please email volunteer@northwestern.edu.